
Light the holidays with cheer: Christmas tree safety tips
Many of us take our cheerful Christmas tree traditions seriously. It’s the place we gather, the protector of presents, the holiday home of ornamental memories. When brightly lit, no star shines brighter. But lights and trees don’t always mix. All those glittering bulbs and flickering candles also bring a higher risk of fire—lighting-related fires cause about $12 million dollars in damage each year.
Share these tips with your neighbors, family and friends to help everyone stay safe this holiday season.
Buy fresh. Fresh trees have softer, vibrant green needles that don’t fall when brushed and don’t break from the branches easily. Avoid cheaper, drier options—it shouldn’t be shedding its needles so soon!
Don’t let it go thirsty. Keep the tree base filled with water daily to prevent it from drying out. When the tree is watered regularly, its branches and needles stay more agile and healthy.
Call off the heat. Keep it far from fireplaces, radiators, candles, space heaters, heat vents and light bulbs. The string lights on your tree have a lower voltage, but still try to keep them from touching ornaments.
Inspect before decorating. Make sure all your tree lights use low energy and are UL tested (or another recognized lab) for safety. And always dispose of any damaged lights. This includes exposed wires, broken sockets, and burned-out light strands.
Don’t overdo it. Check the capacity of your power strip and never plug more than three strings of lights into one outlet. While you’re at it, fasten cords along walls to prevent tripping. And never place cords under rugs or carpets.
Wash your hands when you’re done. Some lighting wires are coated with a material that contains lead, which can be dangerous.
Always turn off the lights. When you leave the house, when you go to bed each night, even when you’re just playing outside. And blow out any candles.
Fake trees need real care too. If you opt for an artificial tree, check the safety guidelines online or on the packaging. It should be flame resistant and, if it contains built-in lighting, have a seal from an approved safety testing lab.
Be prepared. Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby and make sure everyone—even the kids—knows where it is and how to use it.
Don’t forget to recycle. Trees are generally safe to have in your home for 4 weeks. After that, many neighborhoods will set up drop off locations for recycling. Or get creative. Build a shelter for backyard wildlife, use the branches as flower bed mulch, or start a compost pile.
Share these tips with your neighbors, family and friends to help everyone stay safe this holiday season.
CS_N_24002_DEC_Infographic_Tree-Safety_FAFor information purposes only and may not be applicable to all situations.