Tag Archives: halloween

Halloween hacks that protect against rental property nightmares

So, you’ve done the hard part and purchased a rental property. You’ve bought deadbolts, security devices, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers to keep your tenants safe. You’ve also created the perfect lease to outline the terms and conditions of what you expect from your tenants. If you haven’t talked to your American Modern® insurance agent about the right insurance coverage for your rental property, you could face some sleepless nights worrying about what could possibly go wrong.

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Social media privacy: Taking control of your data

Social media makes it easy for you to leave a trail of personal information that you may not want to share with advertisers, analytics companies, or people other than your connections. Take charge of your online privacy with these 6 tips.

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4 ways to stay ahead of smartphone hackers

Did you know that Americans check their phone on average 80 times a day? Surprising, right? Unfortunately, the amount of times that our phones can be compromised is surprisingly high as well.  And because mobile phones are so valuable to hackers, more and more new exploits are being discovered.

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