Tag Archives: smoke

12 tips to prevent kitchen fires

Burning dinner can be something to laugh about. A burning kitchen? Not so much. More fires start in the kitchen than in any room of the house.1 Which makes sense, since that’s where the grease and open flames and oil and high temps and electrical appliances are. We can’t help you with dinner, but we can help you keep your kitchen fire-free. These 12 safety tips are a place to start.

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Heat up Valentine’s Day without burning down your home

Candles and romance go hand in hand on Valentine’s Day, but what starts as a warm glow could escalate into a dangerous fire. Although candles account for a small percentage of total home fires, they can still spark serious damage. Keep these tips in mind this Valentine’s Day to make sure it’s love, and not smoke, that’s in the air.

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Fire Prevention Week: 12 tips to prevent kitchen fires

Did you know that October 8-14 is National Fire Prevention week? While it may not be something you’re going to actually celebrate, it’s a great time to refresh your memory and keep fire safety top of mind. And because more fires are likely to start in the kitchen than in any other room, we’ve combined 11 safety tips to help you prevent them.

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Wildfire emergency evacuation checklist

During an emergency, there may be little or no time to think about what you need to do. This checklist is designed to help you prepare and respond quickly. You might want to post it where everyone in your household can see it, such as on the refrigerator or by the door. Or for easy access, simply take a picture of it with your cell phone.

Before You Evacuate

If time allows, here’s what you can do to help firefighters protect your property.

  • Turn on all the lights both inside and outside your home to make it more visible in smoky conditions.
  • Close all windows, doors, vents and fireplace screens to reduce drafts and radiant heat in your home.
  • Disconnect your automatic garage door opener so the garage can be opened by hand if power is lost.
  • Remove flammable curtains and other window treatments.
  • Move indoor and outdoor flammable furniture to the center of your home away from any windows.
  • Remove pillows, cushions and umbrellas from outdoor furniture.
  • Turn off the natural gas from the source, as well as pilot lights and air conditioning.
  • Move any propane or fuel oil supplies away from your home.
  • Connect the garden hose and fill any large containers with water.
  • Turn off the sprinklers and don’t leave water sources running as they might affect much-needed water pressure for fighting the fire.

When You Evacuate

Heed the advice of local authorities and leave when an evacuation order is first enacted.

  • Roll up the windows in your vehicle and close the air vents to minimize any harm from the smoke.
  • Drive slowly with your headlights on to improve visibility.
  • Call 9-1-1 if you’re trapped.
  • Use N95 masks, if you have them, to avoid breathing harmful particles.
  • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) or other local alert systems for instructions and emergency information.

What to Take

Gather these items ahead of time and put them in a place where you can grab them at a moment’s notice. And keep your pets nearby so you can find them quickly.  

  • Important documents, such as birth certificates, passports and legal papers
  • Medications, prescriptions and medical equipment
  • Irreplaceable and nostalgic items, such as photographs, mementos and jewelry
  • Hard drives, laptops, portable flash drives with important information, and phone chargers
  • Car keys, wallet, driver’s license, credit cards and cash
  • Pets

When You Return

To avoid potential hazards, don’t return to your home until fire officials have given you the okay – most likely through a formal notification. Above all, only return when it is safe to do so.

  • Stay away from damaged or fallen power lines, poles and wires.
  • Check propane tanks, regulators, and lines before turning the gas on. Have them inspected if necessary.
  • Examine the roof and exterior areas, as well as the attic and interior of the house, for sparks, embers or smoldering fires.
  • Beware of hidden embers. Keep small children and pets close by.
  • Find out if the water is safe to drink.
  • Dispose of any food that’s been exposed to heat or smoke.
  • Properly dispose of any paint, batteries, and damaged fuel containers.
  • Contact your insurance agent if your home is damaged or uninhabitable.

Download this infographic and share it with all those who may be affected by wildfires this year.


For Information only. Not applicable to all situations.


  • Emergency Evacuation Checklist, Rivington Partners

Don’t let your bonfire go up in smoke with these 6 tips

Whether you’re roasting marshmallows at the campground or hanging out with friends in your backyard, bonfires are a fun way to keep warm and socialize. But fire is still a safety hazard no matter how controlled the flames may appear. Follow these 6 bonfire safety tips to protect yourself, your friends, and your property from the blaze.

  1. Check the weather: High winds can blow sparks and embers out of the fire and towards you and your property. Check the forecasted wind speeds before you start the fire. 
  2. Location, location, location: Build your bonfire at least 10 feet away from combustible materials such as residential structures or low-hanging trees. Be sure to clear the area of any flammable debris including leaves and twigs.
  3. Feed the flames gradually: Never use accelerants such as gasoline or lighter fluid to start or build  your fire. Instead, start your fire by lighting dry tinder, such as paper or cardboard, and slowly adding small sticks. As the fire grows, feed the flames with larger pieces of wood.
  4. Don’t play with fire: Your parents were right about this one. Keep the fire in the designated area and never take burning sticks out of the flames. Make sure any nearby children are being properly supervised.
  5. Be prepared to put it out: Always have some way to put out the fire at the ready. This could be a bucket of water, sand, or even a garden hose.
  6. Make sure it’s out: When it’s time to extinguish your fire, it’s crucial you put it out completely. Pour water or sand over the fire, ashes, and embers. Every portion of the fire needs to be cooled entirely. If it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave. 

For informational purposes only and may not be applicable to all situations.