Tag Archives: sun

11 safety tips every pool owner should know

Days are getting longer, temps are rising, schools are closing. For people who own pools and hot tubs, that means two things: more time in the water, and more need for precautions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average of more than 4,000 people accidentally drown every year. 

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Days are getting longer, temps are rising, schools are closing. For people who own pools and hot tubs, that means two things: more time in the water, and more need for precautions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average of more than 4,000 people accidentally drown every year. 

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Red, white, and burnt: 4th of July sun safety

The 4th of July is a wonderful time for family, friends, fun, freedom, and fireworks. But, outdoor grills, pyrotechnics, and unattended homes can also create dangerous situations. This week, we are sharing various safety tips to ensure your Independence Day is both fun and safe.  This blog all about sun safety!

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