
New policyholder online tool to report lost contents
As part of the company’s focus on improving the customer experience, American Modern has launched an online solution for policyholders who want to file a claim for lost contents. The user-friendly tool can greatly reduce the time a policyholder needs to wait for the settlement of a property claim. In fact, the new online solution has reduced the time needed to settle a property claim by an average of 55%, compared with settlement time over the same period last year.
“This tool helps automate the claims process with the customer in mind,” said Tony Jeter, Claims Supervisor, American Modern. “Since going live, we have significantly reduced the turnaround time for a property claim and that means we can help our customers replace or repair their property and get back to ‘normal’ more quickly.”
When the customer calls American Modern to report lost property, they will receive an email with a link that gives them easy access to the portal which can be accessed with a computer, tablet, or smart phone. Customers can use the online tool 24/7 to upload a detailed list of the items that were lost or damaged, or they can submit a list of damaged/lost items to the claims adjuster. The adjuster then reviews and evaluates the uploaded contents list to settle the claim.
“Many customers want to have a more active role in the claims process and the customer portal allows for just that,” said Jeter. “In addition, for many types of claims, our video inspection capabilities, which can be done in real-time over an internet connection on a smart phone, can further reduce or eliminate the need for claims adjusters to conduct traditional on-site inspections, thus eliminating what could’ve added an extra day or two to the entire claims process.”
For information only. Not applicable to all situations.