Tag Archives: renovations

Check all your boxes with our insurance checklist

We know how life can get, so we totally get how easy it is to forget to update your home insurance policies when things change. But don’t worry! We’ve put together an easy checklist you can use to take inventory of everything you need to make sure you’re covered.

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End-of-the-year insurance checklist

At the end of each year, we are whisked through a series of holiday celebrations, all leading up to the most contemplative day of the year: New Year’s Eve. Whilst reflecting on our accomplishments and goals, it’s easy to forget about the logistics of updating our home insurance policies to include all of the newly acquired belongings in our lives and evaluate what’s new or old in our homes. We have created a seamless checklist to make this process a breeze, so you can focus on ringing in 2023 knowing you’re prepared for any surprises that life has in store in the upcoming year.

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